The next task is to get the uprights on the carriage. I felt unsure of the measurements for the holes in the uprights, where the brackets go for the side braces, the engine mount brackets, and the attach points for the Upper Frame Plate that attaches the uprights to the main center boom. With Larry Miller’s help, I got those measurements so I could finish up the uprights.
I had used Wesson oil to make it easier to slide the inner sleeves inside the uprights; worked well. I took the uprights up to the airport this morning. I wasn’t feeling very energetic, but managed to get the holes drilled to attached the uprights to the center boom brackets, taking care to ensure correct alignment of the boom and ensuring the uprights were square with the side rails and each other. Everything seemed to work out, but as usual it seemed to take longer and took more effort than I anticipated. But that part is done, although I still need to get the brackets for the side brace and engine mounts done. That will be for next time.
For now, it’s time to go home.