Saturday, August 27, 2011

Saturday, August 27, 2011 Back to the Airport

Beautiful day today. Not hot or humid, but the gnats were awful, and the grasshoppers were everywhere. I went to the airport about sunup because Sandra needed to go to a Skype baby shower (new to me!), so I had to get back by 11AM. I needed to get an accurate measurement for the wing cables, and also check out the washout struts, since the left one was being attached to the leading-edge tube that I replaced. I wanted to ensure it would fit properly, at the proper angle, and I also wanted to replace the bungees. I found that the struts fit perfectly, and the new bungees tightened them up considerably. So all well and good so far.

I used an unusual procedure to establish the length of the wing cables. I installed the old cables (the ones with the splices), then inflated the wing, then adjusted the left cable to the length that would allow the wing to inflate. I left the right one alone. I found that the left cable had to be lengthened three inches to 110”, and since the right one was 107”, the net length of each cable is 108 ½”. So that’s what I’ll order from Aero Assemblies.

I can’t help but think about how much better I feel physically compared to when I originally started this project. It's been almost two years, so I guess it just takes awhile to recover from a crash and also a couple of heart attacks. I felt that my stamina was much better, and my back isn’t sore. So that’s really good.

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